Why We Need the Holy Spirit

Jesus knew how important the Holy Spirit was in His life. Matthew 1:20 says that He was conceived by the Spirit. Think about that! It was the mighty Holy Spirit who took Jesus, the Word of God, and made Him flesh in Mary's womb! That's powerful! The Holy Spirit was also the One who descended upon Jesus and anointed Him in the river Jordan (see Luke 3:22). Then Luke 4:1 says it was the Holy Spirit who led Jesus into the wilderness. And He continued to lead Him. Jesus was led by the Spirit every day of His life.

Verse 18 says that He was also empowered by the Holy Spirit. And John 3:34 says the very words He spoke were given by the Spirit. It was also the Holy Spirit who kept Jesus sinless. Hebrews 4:15 says that Jesus was tempted just as we are. That means He could have sinned, but He remained sinless. How? Hebrews 9:14 reveals that He was spotless through the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, even Jesus would have failed. Although He was God, He was just as human as you and I are. And He needed the Holy Spirit.

If Jesus needed the Spirit from the moment He was conceived, how much more do we need Him! We don't ever stop needing Him, and He is always standing by, waiting for us to ask Him to help us.
Pray this prayer with me:
Lord, I love You. I need Your Holy Spirit afresh today. I thank You that He is in me to help me and guide me. May I always be alert in the Spirit so I will not miss Your mighty plan for my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
ORAL ROBERTS MINISTRIES © 2007. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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