Grace is Accessed By Faith

"Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them" (Mark 1:24 NKJV)
God's grace is accessed by your faith. And Mark 11:24 is the model for how you operate in faith to tap into God's grace. God's grace isn't earned. It has been freely given to us, but it's received by faith.
For example, I use a security code to get in the gate surrounding my house. When I'm punching in my code, I'm not trying to earn my way through the gate-the house is already mine. I'm just operating the principle that makes the gate open up to me.
In the same way, you're not trying to earn grace when you operate the principles of faith according to God's Word. Grace already belongs to you. His amazing grace begins to work in your life when you operate the principles of faith!
Tips to operate in faith and live the victorious, overcoming life God wants you to live, do these things:
1. Ask the Father, in Jesus' name to give you the grace you need to do the task He has assigned you (John 15:16).
2. Believe the moment you pray that you receive the grace promised in God's Word.
3. Declare or confess what you believe.
You've received when you prayed.
    Begin to say, "Thank You, Father, that Your grace is operating in me."
4. Demonstrate or live out what you asked for.
    Walk with the confidence of someone who has God's grace working in them.
5. Endure and stand steadfast until you see the manifestation of what you're believing God for.
shared by : Fichte Penaloza, August 09, 2006

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