The Cross is Your Hope

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (Joh 14:6 ESV)

Sometimes the brokeness of this world can overwhelm you like a black cloud that sucks all joy out of you.

When that happens, you must fix your heart on the cross of Jesus. It's impact on humanity is immeasurable.

Jesus is the only exit out of a world that is dying of evil and empty religions. Others gave us lots of words, forms and rituals, but only Jesus gave us His life! Jesus gave it all...

He is the way, the truth and the life. For you. All you have to do, is kneel at His cross, confess your sins, and accept His grace and unconditional love.
He truly loves you. You don't have to understand that. But you can experience it. By inviting Him every day into your life. By laying down your questions and your struggles, your pride and your anger, and simply receiving His sacrifice of love.

He loves you, He heals you, He restores you. Seek Him and trust Him...

CHRISTIAN ART for you © 2004 Inspirational christian art posters copyright David and Renate Sorensen.No unauthorized usage of any of these images allowed.(Please include this line to forward).

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