"A merry heart does good, like a medicine!" (Proverbs 17:22)
The human body, which GOD designed, can produce it's own disease fighting chemicals. GOD has created us "fearfully and wonderfully." These bodies that we walk around in are truly amazing! Evolution is just NOT smart enough to equip us with the mind-boggling intelligence that our bodies contain!
For example........when you are joyful, your body secretes two types of chemicals that fight cancer and other diseases. When you experience that exhilarating feeling of being truly joyful.......it does GOOD......"like a medicine."
One type of chemical released in your body when you are joyful is called "Neuropeptides." These "Neuropeptides" are the same kind of chemical that cancer patients are injected with at the cost of up to $40,000.00 per shot! And GOD created our bodies to produce them NATURALLY ......by having a joyful heart!
Another chemical which is secreted into the bloodstream, by having a joyful heart, is known as "Opioids". (You can see the root word for "Opium"....which can be a dangerous drug but produces a calming effect.) Opioids are secreted into the bloodstream and enhance the immune system to help fight the common cold. So, is there a cure for the common cold? YES! A merry heart doeth good....like a medicine!
You see, our minds, bodies and spirits are all connected. We are a walking network of amazing super-intelligence! We are NOT "gods"......we are created "in the image of GOD." Let's not forget that there's only ONE true GOD.
But... GOD has created us so unique! And when we are joyful, .our minds, bodies and spirits are effected by it! Your mind can sense true joy coming from your spirit, and when your mind "picks-up" joy on the radar screen, it sends out "Opioids" into the bloodstream which connect with "monocytes." The "monocytes" receive messages from the "opioids" which trigger a "Pac- Man" like response and they begin to EAT bacteria and viruses that tear down your immune system.
If you are plagued by fear, worry, stress and anger, you are opening the door to sickness. Your body is not secreting what it needs to keep you vibrant. Is it any wonder Jesus tells us to stop worrying? (Matthew 6). Is it any wonder that the Apostle Paul tells us to stop worrying? ( Phil. 4). Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and all of your needs will be given unto you. (Matt. 6:33)
Take care of your mind, body and spirit. Have a joyful heart. Stop killing yourself. Allow that wise body God gave you to release those wonderful chemicals in order that you may experience optimum health and performance for His glory!
Phobias by Donna L. Watkins, Taken from the free online ezine, "A Healing Moment"
Permission is granted for use of any articles written by Donna L. Watkins if credit includes the author's name and an active link to this website.
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