God's Love Is Overwhelming!

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. (1 John 4:16)

God is big, very big. The universe shows us that.
We see it when we look at the billions of stars.
Everything God has, is big.
Therefor it should be no surprise for us
to read in the Bible that His love for us is big.

Yet, His love is more than that.
It's not only just big. It's huge.
It's bigger than the universe.
Because God is bigger than the universe.

God created the universe. He shaped
the stars. He gave form to the earth.
All creation has been made by His hands.
But His love goes way beyond all of that.

Why? Because God Himself is love.
Love is the core of His eternal being.
Therefor He loves you more than you
will ever be able to comprehend.

In His love, God wants to draw you higher
than your own life. He wants to help you
get on a higher level with Him, to be drawn up
in His glory, where you can be overwhelmed
by His presence.

Seek Him with all you have, day by day.
Never give up. Don't stop seeking Him.
Because His love is worth the effort.

He Himself is worth it.

CHRISTIAN ART for you © 2004 Inspirational christian art posters copyright David and Renate Sorensen.No unauthorized usage of any of these images allowed.(Please include this line to forward).

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