"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

I have a pinball game that I play on my computer and I have learned not to take my eyes off the ball for one second. Yet, time after time, I allow myself to be distracted by something and I lose the ball.

It is the same with satan. Every time that I put my eyes on a person, a situation, or any other distraction instead of focusing on Jesus, I have opened the door for satan to enter and cause pain, heartache, and sorrow. (I never capitalize the name of satan. I will not give him that respect.)

Are you taking your focus off Jesus and putting it on people and circumstances? You are opening the door for satan to enter and cause problems in your life. We need to stay alert and keep our hearts and minds centered on Jesus.

In this world of temptations that surround us, I urge you to keep your hearts, eyes, and minds on Jesus. What about the programs you watch on television? Would you watch them if Jesus were sitting beside you? I can remember when they had good, clean family programs that were funny and inspiring. Now, it seems when you turn on the television most of the time you see and hear sex, violence, and profanity.

Let's turn our hearts and our homes back to Jesus so that we will not be ashamed when we stand before God on the Judgment Day.

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