Prayer is Continuous

"Pray continually" (1 Thess. 5:17)

Doesn't it just drive you crazy when small children ask over and over again for the same things? It may bother us, but most of the time we honor the pleas of our babies. Your heavenly Father never tires of hearing your ongoing prayers, and He loves to bless His children. Real prayer is continuous, not a hit-or-miss proposition.

Frequency reveals priority. The fact that we eat three times a day proves that eating is very important to us. Prayer was a high priority to Jesus. How do we know? Because He prayed frequently. It is said, "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16, emphasis added).

As gasoline fuels our automobiles, prayer should fuel our lives. The apostle Paul summarized it in two words: "Pray continually" (1 Thess. 5:17)! The King James Version says it this way: "Pray without ceasing." You can and should pray any time, any place. The apostle Paul suggested that we never cease praying. It should be a nonstop, two-way conversation throughout the day.

Section One:  The Characteristics of Prayer, Lesson Four: Prayer is Continuous

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