Did You Know that Holy Spirit is an Intercessor?

We have the Holy Spirit, God's divine intercessor, actually living inside us to teach us how to pray, to reveal God's Word to us, to guide us into all truth and to actually pray for us!

What is an intercessor? The word intercede is from the Latin words inter, which means "between," and cede, which means "to go." To intercede means "to go between." Between what? you may ask. As intercessors, we stand in the gap between what is (the need) and what should be (God's will).

We intercede on behalf of people, crisis situations and nations. We also intercede for righteousness where we see unrighteousness, for mercy where we see unforgiveness, for love where we see hate, for grace where there is need, and so on. The Holy Spirit knows the gaps that the Father desires for us to fill. So He gives us a burden for that which we should pray.

Lest anyone should begin to think that this is beyond his reach, the Holy Spirit of Jesus is actually given into our hearts so that we may pray in His likeness, in His name, and in His power.

Now we can understand how Christ could give such unlimited promises of answer to prayer to His disciples: they were first going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who breathes God's own desire into us and enables us to intercede for souls.

Although many feel that they must be good at praying, God requires only that we are available. If we will be faithful and step up to the plate, God will take our inaccuracies and inadequacies and hit a home run! When we pray, we actually partner with the Spirit of the living God! Our success in prayer is not based on how well we articulate the words of prayer, but simply whether we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit so He can pray through us!

Are there times when you don't even know how to pray for the things that burden you? You will never miss the mark by praying the Scriptures. For example, if a riot had developed in your city after a rock concert, you could pray, "Lord, according to Your Word in Psalm 55:9, 'Confuse the wicked, O Lord, confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city.' And now I stand in the gap for the youth of our town, that they will see You as their salvation and help."

Continue to ask God for breakthrough until you feel His peace.

Bible Reference : Please read the following Scriptures and list some situations in which you could pray using these verses. Psalm 91:5–7; Psalm 91:11–13; Colossians 1:13–14; 2 Timothy 1:7

Section Two: Prayer as Intercession. Lesson Seven: Holy Spirit is An Intercessor
TEACH ME TO PRAY by Eddie and Alice © 2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward).

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