Faith is a gift

How do we receive a gift? We do not have to do anything. All that we need to do is receive. When we believe in God's Word, we receive His grace. This is the gospel. When we receive by faith, the Holy Spirit makes our faith the starting point of God's miracles. If a man has never experienced God's power, he will not think much of it. But those who have experienced it know the reality of this faith. When we believe that everything in Christ is ours, the Holy Spirit will cause all that is in Christ to be ours. What a gospel this is! Everything that is Christ's becomes ours through faith! By faith Christ's perfect life is lived out of our mortal body day by day!...
Brothers and sisters, once we believe in the Lord's Word, the experience will follow, the feeling will follow, and the victory will follow... Although you may feel that you are cold and that there is nothing to smile about, you can still thank and praise the Lord, saying, "The life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith in the Son of God."

eMANNA published by LIVING STREAM MINISTRY © 1997-2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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