Sunrise ... Sunset


Once again this morning, I want to look at some Scriptures that we are all familiar with but we seldom consider in relation to the Christmas season.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 22:13 NIV)

Alpha and Omega. The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. They symbolize the beginning and end of all things. He is before all. Wait a minute Kevin don't you mean "He was before all"?

No, God is outside the constraints of time. Time is one of His creations. In the same way He is now and He is the future. When He makes the claim that He was and is and is to come, it is not boasting, it is a simple statement of fact. He is the source of living water. He is the source of life both temporal and eternal.

He was there before the first sunrise. He will be there long after the last setting of the sun. He is eternal, changeless and timeless. The god of the "Process theologians" who learns and changes and the god of the "Open theists" that does not know what people will do is not the God of the Bible. Those "gods" are the vain babblings of men who would be wise in their own eyes. The eternal immutable character of Alpha and Omega is a rock we can rely on.

So God was there at the beginning and end and He never changes. What does that have to do with the Nativity event?

Everything. He is the cosmic conductor who choreographed one of the greatest miracles of all times. He allowed empires to rise and fall. When the all the events were perfect, He sent His Son into the world. It was not something done on a whim or a spur of the moment decision. Hundreds of specific prophecies about the Christ came to be fulfilled in His birth, life, death and resurrection. All the pieces of a huge puzzle had to be fitted together exactly for this event to happen.

When we watch a great ballet, we seldom think about the choreographer. When we listen to a symphony we seldom think of the conductor. Yet without them we would see missteps and hear nothing but noise. Without the intervening hand of the Alpha and Omega there would be no Jesus to celebrate and no Messiah to save us.

When we worship the Son this Christmas, let us also remember Him as Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end and let us rejoice.  Hallelu Yah (Praise God)
GLEANINGS From The Word Ministries International by Kevin F Corbin © 2001-2006. All rights reserved. Click here to submit prayer request
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