Help Lord! I Can't See Where I'm Going! (part 2)

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Times of Warfare

It is important to understand why Abraham needed to "cross over" and put on a warfare mantle for his family. First of all, there is the significance of covenant relationship. Natural, blood-related families, as well as the family of God, are covenant-related. Abraham understood the significance of covenant and, therefore, went to war on his nephew's behalf. It is the same with the Church. We in the Body of Christ are blood-related because of the blood of Jesus. We are, therefore, in covenant with the Lord and with each other. Our part in keeping covenant with God is to continue to "cross over" into every new place that the Lord instructs us to go. This is how we move forward from glory to glory. We will never stop crossing over; it is a progression of breakthroughs as we embrace one level, or revelation, and move to the next revelation. 

Because Abraham was the father of many nations and our spiritual father, I believe that what he possessed and experienced during his walk of faith and obedience affects our inheritance and destiny today. Spiritually we are Abraham's family (he is our father of the faith), and when he went to battle for the destiny of Lot, he also warred over our destiny. In other words, when he warred against the four kings, he battled for his natural seed as well as his future spiritual seed—us!
A Mantle of Warfare for the Church

It is time for us to join together and encourage each other in the Lord. By closing ranks, we will become an army, fitly joined together, fully equipped and ready for battle. Let's quickly study the four kings against whom Father Abraham went to war:
1. The King of Elam: his name implies a "binding up."
The devil desires to keep us bound to our past. If not careful, we will focus on our past failure and limit God to "familiarity." In other words, we will not step out into the unknown and cross over into our future. As I stated earlier, we cannot depend upon what we see in the natural at this time. We must develop eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying.
2. The King of Tidal: his name implies "fear, terrible, to make afraid and to "shrink back and crawl away."
The purpose of this spirit is clear. The devil will lie to us and cause us to fear our future. Rather than realize that this is our time of victory and favor, we could be seduced to believe the very opposite! Be on guard! Press forward into your new place. Do not shrink back or crawl away! This is our appointed time for favor.
3. The King of Sinar: his name means "sayer of darkness."
Our enemy will speak lies and attempt to keep us in darkness. There will never be hope or peace in his words. During seasons when vision is blocked and we can't "see" in the natural, focus on the "super" natural! God's words are super-ior! Yes, He is superior to the enemy in every way! Don't allow the enemy to continue to lie to you concerning your future, cross over into your promise!
4. The King of Ellasar: his name means "lion- like."
The devil's strategy is to raise his head as a roaring lion and cause us to fear. He attempts to kill, steal and destroy. But, don't listen to the false roar of the enemy. Remember, the Lion from the Tribe of Judah is on your side and He will direct you as you cross over into your destined place.
ZION MINISTRIES by Sandie Freed © 2008. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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