
Don't be surprised... that you are going through testing. (1 Peter 4:12 CEV)
Have you ever had a teacher tell you at the beginning of a school term that there would be tests without any warning? Sometimes they're called a "pop quiz." Maybe you didn't like it, but at least you knew to be prepared by doing your homework and completing your assignments on time. You understood the tests were coming so you couldn't say you hadn't been warned.

God operates on the same principle. His Word says, "Don't be surprised... that you are going through testing." Now, God's tests aren't necessarily ones you'd have chosen for yourself because they never seem to come at the right time and always test you in your weakest areas. That's because they're not for the teacher's benefit, they're for yours! The tests of life are designed to sharpen us mentally and strengthen us spiritually. When tests come, and they will, you've got two choices. One: act like a victim and complain that you've been singled out and unfairly treated. Two: let them teach you more about yourself - and the God you serve. Have you ever worked out in a gym? You can use tests as resistance, the kind you push against to grow stronger. Or you can walk around feeling sorry for yourself - and stay spiritually unfit and flabby.

Here's a comforting thought: God will never give you more than you can handle, or a test you can't pass. His Word says He'll "never let you down...let you be pushed past your limit; He'll always be there to help you" (1 Co 10:13 TM). So the Word for Today is - be prepared! The test could come at anytime.

Bible Readings: 1 Sam 24-26, John 2:12-25, Ps 23, Pr 23:4-5
This publication is brought to you by the Rhema Broadcasting Group Incorporated in association with The Vine in association with, New Zealand. "The Word for Today" ® is copyright © Bob Gass Ministries, PO Box 769030, Roswell, Georgia 30076, USA. Use of this material is governed by its owners and distributors. Please don't break copyright law!

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