Avoiding Burnout

Hurdles - they are not simply found on the asphalt of track and field but also in the great race called life. Our flame of enthusiasm begins do diminish when we are doing more than God intended or when we are doing what God intended, but on our own strength rather than His.
In the Bible we see many who experienced times of burnout.  After Jonah's miraculous delivery from the big fish and prophetic announcement to the people on Nineveh , he sank into a depression and wanted to die (Jonah 4:3). After Elijah called down fire from heaven that miraculously burned up the sacrifices of Baal, the fire in his own life went dim. (1 Kings 18-19). Elijah prayed, "I have had enough, LORD.  Take my life" (1 Kings 19:4). Both of these men wanted to quit.
How do we avoid those same feelings of emptiness and despair?  The first step is to realize that it can happen and does happen to the best of us.
What was God's response to Elijah?  Let's take a look at 1 Kings Chapter 19.
He allowed Elijah to sleep (19:5) – REST.
He sent an angel to provide food for him to eat (19:5) – REFRESMENT.
He allowed Elijah to sleep again (19:6)– MORE REST.
He sent an angel to provide food for him to eat again (19:7) – REFRESMENT.
He caused Elijah to ponder what he was doing "What are you doing here?" (19:9) – REFLECTION.
He spoke to Elijah personally (19:11) – RESPONSE.
He caused Elijah to ponder what he was doing, again. "What are you doing here?" (19:13)– REFLECTION.
He told Elijah what to do next (19:15)- REDIRECTION.
He showed Elijah who He had appointed to help him (19:16) - REINFORCEMENT.
Exhaustion is epidemic among us.  For today, just rest in knowing that God has a plan for your life and that He loves you dearly!
Let's Pray
Dear Lord, I'll admit, I'm tired today.  I need the refreshment that only You can give.  Send the Holy Spirit to reinforce my spirit today!  I am expecting His energizing force!  Help me to reflect on You and Your goodness all day long. In Jesus' name, Amen


Excerpted from: BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE WOMEN'S MINISTRY by Sharon Jaynes at GIRLFRIENDS IN GOD  © 2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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