Listening to the call

Too often we listen to our own fears and thoughts instead of "trusting" the voice of God. We put too much energy in fair-weather family members and so-called friends who say we can't do it, we can't accomplish it, and then we always miss the call and the voice of God. When we have the courage to obey the call of God, when we have the courage to hear from God, God does great things. But, when we disobey the voice of God, when we miss the call of God, we simply live our lives staying in the boat. Have you been there before? God wanted to do great things in your life but you disobeyed the call because it seemed too impossible?
Too often we react to what we hear instead of "responding" to what we should be listening to. God wants us not only to hear with our ears, but God wants us to listen with our hearts. Listening and responding are vital when you want to get close to God. When God called Moses, Moses listened. When God called Samuel, when God called Jonah to take the next steps, they first had to listen. Then, they had to respond to the call of God. God speaks to people who are willing and ready to take a risk. If you don't hear God speaking right now, maybe you are not willing to take a risk and take the next steps for Christ. But God speaks profoundly to those who want to take a risk and who want to walk on water.
Many of you probably say, "Well, Mike, how do I know when God is speaking? It might be self; it might be Satan. How do I know when God is speaking?" I hear you saying that—I'm glad you asked. When God speaks, it's different than when you speak. When God speaks, it's different than when Satan speaks. When God speaks, there's a different feeling. When God spoke in John 14:27, he said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give you peace as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." When God speaks, it gives you an inner comfort; God gives you peace that surpasses all understanding.
When God called Peter, Peter had a sense of peace within him. And, when Peter said, "God, if this is you," God responded again. Then Peter knew that the voice he heard was the voice of God. When you ask God sometimes, "God, if this is you," and that voice is solid on the second time, when God speaks twice, then you know that you have to step out and go for yours. God gives you clarity. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
God will only give us the activation to step out when we hear the voice of the owner. You have to have clarity of the call. Because Peter had a relationship with Jesus, he already knew the voice and all he needed was clarity to step out. When was the last time you said, "Lord, is this you? Lord, if this is you telling me to start my business, just tell me so that I know and so that I can step out and be pleasing to you."
After you have clarity, then you must have confidence in the call. After Peter had clarity in the call, then Peter got confidence. Peter began to step out because Peter had clarity; he became bold, he now had confidence. When Jesus said "Come," immediately Peter stepped out.
When Peter heard the word "come," something happened on the inside of him. When Peter heard the word "come," it was like Jesus spoke directly to his spirit. As soon as Peter heard Jesus say "Come," Peter got confidence beyond measure. Have you ever been at a moment in your life when you thought you couldn't do something, but God gave you the confidence and you realized at that moment there was nothing you couldn't do? When Peter heard the word "come," something leaped in him like when Elizabeth was pregnant with John and she said something leapt inside of her as she was in the presence of Mary, who was pregnant with the baby Jesus.
Every time you're doing great things in God, when you have confidence in God, something will leap on the inside of you and then you know that there's nothing that you can't do. Have you ever been there before? There was a time when the mountain seemed too high, but there was something on the inside of you that said, "With me and God, nothing is impossible." At that moment Peter had confidence, and at that moment God called Peter to walk on water. Peter couldn't do it on his own, but at that moment Peter had confidence to lay down his fears and fully trust God.
When God personally begins to speak to our spirit, when God begins to speak to the very depth of our soul, there's nothing we can't do, either. Peter is no better than we are. But we have to have clarity, we have to have confidence, and when God says "Come," at that moment you must realize that "No weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper." When God says "Come," at that moment you say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." When God says, "Come" you say, "With God, nothing is impossible!"
When God speaks to you, then you know without a doubt that if God be for you, who and what can be against you? You need clarity and confidence!
God sees us when we're struggling. God sees us when our form is all messed up. God sees us when we're about to throw in the towel. God sees us when we're tired, but God looks at us and says, "Good job." God looks at us and says, "Go on." We serve a God who looks beyond our faults and our flaws but still supplies every one of our needs. We serve a God who gives us confidence even when we don't have the confidence in ourselves. You have to have confidence.
After you have confidence, the next thing you need to do is concentrate on the call, but not the chaos. When you concentrate on the call, then you get "fixed-focus" faith. Peter had fixed-focus faith. Matthew 14:29b says, "Then Peter got down out of the boat and he walked on the water and came toward Jesus." Peter walked on the water and came toward Jesus because he was concentrating on the one who called him—not on the things that were trying to distract him. Peter was able to walk on the water because he concentrated on what lay ahead and not on what lay around him. Philippians 3:13-14, "But one thing that I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward to what's ahead . . ." - confident, concentrating - ". . . pressing forward toward the goal to win the prize which God has called me to in Christ Jesus."
So often we aren't able to obtain the prize. So often we aren't able to get close to Christ because most of us are so distracted and focused on the storms instead of focusing on the Son. We're so often distracted by the things that are around us, when we should see that there's something that's lying ahead of us. Peter could easily have focused on the problem, but he concentrated on the problem solver. Peter focused on Christ.
So often we want to bypass the storm; we want to take short cuts around them. There are no cliff notes to get around the storms. Peter knew he couldn't bypass the storm, but Peter knew that his blessing came in the midst of the storm.
Somebody here today might be in a storm now, but you can't bypass the storm. Your blessing is right in the midst of the storm, and God is saying, "Come." Peter concentrated on his call. Peter stayed focused. I want you to know to beware of storms because storms can distract you and storms are very discouraging. Sometimes your storms will even talk to you. Peter could have focused and allowed the storms to remind him of his past. Storms remind you of past mistakes, past failures, of what you couldn't do right. The storms remind you of what you couldn't do. But, Peter didn't focus on the storms; he kept concentrating on the Son.
To get closer to God, you have to concentrate and stay focused on the one thing that's calling you, not on the many things that are distracting you. Too many of us have negative voices coming from our boats, even from our houses, and sometimes from our jobs. Those negative voices weaken the call of God. God wants us to walk on water. God wants us to step out. God wants us to concentrate on the call. God wants us to focus, not on the storms of tragedy, but on the call that leads to triumph. God doesn't want us to focus on the storms of tragedy but to start concentrating on Christ, who leads us to triumph.
After you concentrate on the call, you must be compelled to obey the call. After Peter fixed his faith and his focus on Christ, he was compelled to answer the call. Even though Peter didn't know the outcome of the call or the final makeup of the call, he was still ready to step out because he had confidence.
Peter not only listened to the call, but he obeyed the call. Too often in our lives we never step out and take a risk of faith. We never obey the call because of what's happening right now. Romans 8:18 says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
We might have suffering right now, but we still have to be compelled to step out—not focusing on what's happening right now but on what God can do later. God knows what's best for us. The call is never complete. The call does not come with a book of instructions. Some assembly is required. The call is never complete, but every time we do our part, heed the voice and obey the call, then God does something great in our lives. It's only when we step out that God will give us the next steps.
You heard the first call. You took the first step, and now you are out on water. But, when you step out, God will give you the next steps. That's why we say in the Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread." Many of us can't handle the whole loaf of bread right now, so God gives us one slice at a time. It compels us to keep on going because the best is still yet to come. If God had showed Peter that he would sink, Peter would have stayed in the boat. If God would have shown you that you would be laid off at your job, if God would have shown you that you would have financial difficulties, would you be willing to get wet? If God would have shown you the divorce that was on the horizon, if God would have shown you the cancer that was coming, you probably would have stayed in the boat. God wants to be close to us. God wants us to take a risk, but we have to have clarity of the call. We have to have confidence in the call. We have to concentrate totally in the one who's calling, but most of all we have to be compelled to obey the call. I don't know where you are today, but God knows. Stop looking at the big picture, and deal with today.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Regardless of the storms in your life right now, God knows where you are. Before you were in your mother's womb, God formed you and God wants to do something right now. Somebody has to make a major water-walking decision today, and we are going to pray. Let's bow our heads and go to God in prayer because somebody's in a storm right now; somebody wants to throw in the towel. Right now ask God, God, is this You? Speak to my heart, O God, so I know the next steps for my life. In spite of the storms right now, focus on the Son. Just talk to him. You may not know the peace, but it's something called a gut feeling. Something in your gut is telling you to step out and trust God.
God, we thank You. We praise You right now for Your presence, for the anointing in this place to step out of the boat to obey the call. God, we know we can't do great things for You until we say "yes" to Your will and Your way. God bless us one by one. Call us individually to do great things collectively. Remove the fear; You said, "Don't be afraid!" God, You do not give us a spirit of fear, but You give us power, love and a sound mind. Give us the power to step out. Compel us to come. And we know, dear God, that when we step out, You'll give us the next steps to go to the next place in You. Thank You now for the courage to obey the call. It's in Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen.
Excerpted from: THE CALL by Mike Bowie (article for March 13th, 2005)
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