Waiting on God (Part 4)

This means that all our spiritual senses must be alive, alert and expectant. To wait means that we are to be near to Him and still that we may catch the slightest intimation on His part. Our hearts are to be sensitive enough to catch the faintest reflection and be able to discern quickly His voice.
The meaning is clearly shown in Proverbs 8:34, "Blessed is the man that heareth me; watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors." and in Proverbs 27:18, "Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit threreof; so he that waiteth on his master shall be honored."

Here we have a man, maybe a servant or soldier waiting at a door or gate. He does not know the moment his master may open the door to require his service, or maybe to give him a gift. Be it one or the other it matters not to the waiting man. His duty is to wait (to watch or take notice). It is not the waiting of an idler; it is not the waiting of a dreamer. It is the quiet waiting of one who is girt and ready.
We do not long watch or observe keenly the movements of God before He has some word for us. He bids us go or come on some mission, or speak, write, pray, visit, or sing for Him. Why? Because we were near enough to feel what is on His heart, and thus we were able to enter into fellowship with Him in service.
Many today do not understand the movement of God in the world as He is speaking to us in present conditions because they are not near enough or still enough to observe Him. As Christians today our faith is not wrecked because of the conditions about us, nor are we deluded and led into world wide Church reform movements, because we know what the conditions mean.
We have seen and do see God's hand in it all and because of a peculiar and holy response in our hearts we know that God has risen up and that our redemption draweth nigh.
Excerpted from the book : BROKEN BREAD by John Wright Follette at THE GOOD NEWS  © 1998-2005. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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