God, where are You?

When the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace be with you! (John 20:19)
Be Encouraged Today. Your help is in the Lord. The calm always comes after a storm. So hold on, the calm will surely come! Just hold on! 

Have you ever felt that God is no where to be found? I have. Lately, it seems like every trial that you could imagine has been thrown my way. I have prayed and cried out to the Lord over and over, yet all I heard was silence. I did not feel God. I felt all alone. Yet I was persistent and continued to cry out "God where are you, help me." 
Today, God reminded me of something that I want to share with some of you. God's Word says,  "The name of the Lord is like a strong tower, the righteous person runs to it and is set safely on high." (Proverbs 18:10) Friends, you are not alone. We all go through trials. And, some trials are harder than others but no matter how bad they are we must remember that God is our refuge and our strength. 
Trials (sometimes I call them storms) are so hard to deal with especially when they seem like they will never end. These storms can shake the safety of our day to day routine. They can shake the very foundation of our faith. But when we cry out, "God where are you," He hears and is ready to hold us up, even though we cannot feel Him.
Storms can show us our weaknesses and where we lack in strength. They can also make us vulnerable. And just like real storms, when they hit us the water flows. Sometimes it seems like the tears won't stop and its in those times that we must realize that we cannot handle the storms alone. It's just too hard. No matter how big or how many storms there are, there is a peace that comes by holding onto the Lord. And when the storm is over, the peace surely will come. When the peace comes, it is then that we can reflect and see just how close God really was. It is then we that we can just be still before the Lord so that we can have a time of restoration and a time of healing.

None of us are strong enough to handle the storms that life brings our way. Oh we may think we are but the truth is, we are not. That is why we need a Savior. That is why we need a lifeguard. Jesus is the One that has the power to save us when our arms get tired of paddling or our feet get tired of kicking. We need Jesus, the One who can bring us peace and hope. We need a Savior. During a storm when our lives get knocked around a bit that is when we need to remember to fix our eyes on the One who will keep us from giving up. It is during the storm, we must remember that the name of the Lord is our strong tower and we must run into it.
Friends, whether or not we feel God, He is there. So, through your tears this week, cry out to Jesus. He can calm any storm. He has the power to  bring you through any trial. There is nothing He cannot do. So, let Him bring you peace and let Him return your joy. You cannot do this alone. You need the love and encouragement of a best friend, Savior and Father. You need to cry out to Jesus. He knows each and every one of your tears and is ready to wipe them away. Let God be your strength. Run into Him. He won't let you down. He never does. 
HEALING THROUGH PRAYER MINISTRY by Jeanette . (Please include this line to forward the message).

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