Help Lord! I Can't See Where I'm Going! (part 3)

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Don't Go Back, Shrink Back or Crawl Back!

Going through times of transition and adjusting our pace in His race always tempts a person to "go back." Don't! Has the Lord spoken to you concerning your breakthroughs and told you it was time to "run with the horses" Then know that if He is speaking this to you, the devil wants you to remain a footman. Footmen cannot see beyond what is directly in front of them. Their vision is blocked by obstacles—problems, negativity and challenges—that stand in their paths; thus, they move slowly on foot. Upon a horse, however, not only does one move faster, but the view is also broader and not so restricted. Jeremiah had survived at a footman's level for a very long season and was remaining there. God was prophesying to Jeremiah and speaking to his potential as He told him to rise up and run with the horses!

If we remain on a footman's level, we will see things only through a footman's view. When God begins to renew our minds, He removes old paradigms because they limit our thinking. Paradigms box us into old patterns and mind-sets that prohibit change. When the Lord says it is time for us to run with the horses, He is saying that it is time for promotion. Get ready to change, to rise up and embrace a new level of maturity to conquer whatever stands in your way!
If God is speaking a horseman's challenge to you, He is requiring more maturity. No longer will ground-level concerns be allowed. For, footmen… murmur and complain. They focus on the air-conditioning in the church, whether it is too hot or too cold, how the pastor is dressed, if they received enough recognition or how well the church is landscaped. Those running with the horses do not have the time to be overly concerned about such trivial matters. Running with horses requires a fast pace, a higher level, a higher highway. Running with the horses requires maturity. Running with Horses Requires the Eye of the Spirit. Running with the horses requires that one see beyond obstacles blocking the paths to victory and, more importantly, see through the obstacles to the other side. Horsemen realize that on the other side of the mountain lies victory. On the other side of the river is the possession of the promise. We need a divine ability to see by His Spirit.
Several weeks ago, we hosted a conference with Prophet Steve Shultz .The night before I spoke I had a dream. In the dream the Lord spoke to me and said that I had something wrong with my eyes. He said that I could not see properly and that I was going blind. I was shocked because I thought I was seeing clearly. Then, He said that He would have to take pieces of my ear and graft them into my eyes so that my hearing and seeing were connected properly. How strange, I thought. Then I heard the words…"take heed HOW" you hear!

When Jesus instructed on the parable of the sower, He alerted his audience to not simply "hear" the word, but to also be cognizant of "how" they heard the word. Luke 8:18 "Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him." We need to realize that we hear based many times upon our past. If we have fears of authority, we will not "hear" instructions properly from authority figures. We filter everything we "hear" through our past pain, failures, or even victories.
This is our season to see our future properly and not allow our past to dictate the steps we take.
ZION MINISTRIES by Sandie Freed © 2008. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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