Let My Joy and Peace Be Yours

It's a hectic world ...
we live in faster is what everyone wants.
The results of this can be very handy.
But... speed is not always needed.
Often we need to rest more.

Be still...
let God’s peace be in our hearts.
That is more powerful
than any computer speed we can achieve.

Therefore Jesus daily invites us to come to Him.
To be still and listen to His voice.
He wants to blow the wind of refreshment in our lives.
Every day. Because we need it.

Let’s take time to be with Him.
No matter how much stress, despair or pain there may be.

Jesus is the sun of love, joy and peace.
He wants to shine His light on you and bring refreshment.

His peace is a place
where He can give new strength, new life, new hope.

CHRISTIAN ART for you © 2004 Inspirational christian art posters copyright David and Renate Sorensen. No unauthorized usage of any of these images allowed. (Please include this line to forward).

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