Where Is My Help?

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah" (Psalm 46:1-3)

Sometimes, as I am driving past a serious automobile collision I try to imagine what it would be like for those people. One minute they are traveling toward their destination, minds set on what is going to be happening that day, and the next they are on their way to the hospital and perhaps months or years of therapy, pain, or heartache.

Over and over I have planned out my day and have something unexpected happen. Sometimes it is a small thing like the notification I mentioned saying someone installed a phone somewhere and the bills were going to come to us. Sometimes it is a large thing.... sickness, death, or disaster of some kind.

I often feel like one of those spiders that walks on the surface of the water. When the water is smooth I have no problem walking on the surface. However, the water often gets rough. Sometimes it turns into a hurricane situation where the waves are 50 feet high. What can I do?

There is only one thing to do. I must turn to God. I don't have to look for Him or wait for Him. He is right by my side all the time. He has what I need. He can change the situation or He can carry me through it. With His help I will be able to survive.

I won't just survive, either. I will be able to experience joy where there is no joy. I will be able to have peace where there is no peace. Notice the scripture doesn't just say God is a help in trouble, He is a VERY PRESENT help! So often, as we thrash about trying to survive, we forget that He is standing next to us with His hand out saying, "Take My hand. I will help you. Lean on Me."

It has taken me many years to be able to see Him in the midst of trouble. It is my own fault. When times were good I wasn't communing with Him every day. I wasn't searching the scriptures to find out more about Him and His Kingdom. Once I developed a friendship with Him where He is in my mind all the time then I found that He was my first thought when things happened. I moved Him up in the priority list of my mind to the top place. He became my best Friend. He became my daily Companion. It was only me that was hindering that relationship, not Him.
Can you handle ANYTHING that happens today? I guarantee you that, with God's help, you will be able to handle whatever comes along
Written by : Kay Meyeret at clarion-call.org
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