Does God Talk To Us?

It's impossible to have a close relationship with anybody you can't communicate with, and who can't or won't communicate with you.

God talks to us... probably constantly. Jesus said that as we can perceive the wind, though we can't actually see it, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit. We can perceive the presence and voice of God in our hearts.

This takes practice and a building of your discernment and confidence. It also takes time alone with Him, away from our busy culture. It takes time in His written word, learning about His history. As with any person, it takes time to get to know Him, and to recognize His voice

God speaks to us very specifically. He never contradicts His written Word, or speaks contrary to His character. You can be sure that words of condemnation, rejection or judgment don't come from God.

God will always coax you to trust Him. He will urge you towards forgiveness and peace with every person and situation in your life. The more you talk with God, the more adventurous your life will become.

God doesn't always answer us when, where, or how we expect. We need to be content with our inability to control God. He will answer in His time.

Sometimes it feels as if God would speak to anyone else in the world, but not to ME. But because Jesus died to erase our sinfulness in God's eyes, there is no need to hesitate when beginning to talk with God. The Bible says He loves you... deeply. Rely on that. He sees all people equally and in fact, it is a joy for Him to hear from you
and to talk with you.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN MINISTRY by Don & Wendy Francisco. For prayer request please email us at (Please include this line to forward).

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