God is For You

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?" God asks in Isaiah 49:15 (NIV).

What a bazaar question. Can you mothers imagine feeding your infant and then later asking, "What was that baby's name?" No, I've seen you care for your young. You stroke the hair, you touch the face, you sing the name over and over. Can a mother forget? No way. But "even if she could forget,... I will not forget you," God pledges (Isa. 49:15).

OAKHILLS CHURCH by Max Lucado © 2001-2006 All rights reserved.
Excerpt from "In the Grip of Grace". (Please include this line to forward).


darling said...

Mothers can forget. Im not one but I know a mother who has. Sad but true.

As long as God doesnt :)

Grace said...

Yes Darling, He doesn't :) That's the reason for us to believe and to trust God. There is no other love like His love.