Faith is Fact of Things Unseen

The word "substantiation" means the capacity to make something real. For example, here is a picture in beautiful colors, but the beautiful colors can be substantiated only through the eyes. Without the eyes, the colors could not be substantiated no matter how beautiful they are. The sound of the organ is very beautiful, but it can be substantiated only by the ears... Once we see something, we substantiate it. Once we believe, we substantiate the facts, and we have it... If you do not have faith, you will not substantiate the facts....The same is true of our faith. All of God's facts are real. However, these facts of God can be substantiated only by faith, because faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
A nice painting may have beautiful scenery, but a blind man cannot see it. However, one cannot say that the painting does not exist because he has not seen it. The painting exists as a fact. The question is whether or not you have received the benefit from the painting. In the same way, God's Word and His promises can be substantiated only by faith. We do not have to hesitantly pray to God, saying, "Lord, be my victory, be my life, and be my sanctification." Rather, we should say to Him, "God, You are my victory. I thank and praise You because You are my life and You are my sanctification. I thank and praise You!"
Brothers and sisters, we encounter temptations all the time. Many difficulties confront us, and harsh words fall on our ears. Should we pray for God to give us the strength to overcome? No, we should say, "Lord, I thank and praise You because You are my victory! Lord, You are overcoming for me. I thank and praise You that You are withstanding everything for me. Thank You that You are my Head and I am Your member. You are the vine and I am a branch. You are supplying me everything." He is already supplying us everything according to His Word!

eMANNA published by LIVING STREAM MINISTRY © 1997-2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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