Faith is Not Feelings

Some people are not hoping, praying, or waiting, but they are looking for feelings. A sister said that she had surrendered and believed that the Lord was living in her, but she dared not say that she had overcome. This was because from the day she received the Lord Jesus as her victory, she had never had any feeling about it...
There may be some occasions when feelings are useful. However, feelings are useless in understanding the things of God. The hand can only touch things and sense their temperature; it cannot see a picture. Spiritual things can be substantiated only by faith; they cannot be substantiated by feelings. We overcome because of the Word of God. God speaks, and it is done. This is not a matter of feeling some kind of strength or experiencing some exuberant sensation for a few days. In order to overcome, there needs to be only one word from the Lord. So faith comes out of hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. (Rom 10:17)
God has given us a covenant which says that meekness is ours, patience is ours, and love, temperance, and everything in Christ are ours. But when you lose your temper again, and your pride, uncleanness, and failures come back, what should you do? If you believe God's Word, you should say, "God, I thank and praise You because I can be meek, patient, humble, loving, and temperate. I can be all these because Christ is living in me." As long as you grasp hold of God's Word, the things you fear will go away.

eMANNA published by LIVING STREAM MINISTRY © 1997-2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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