He died for me, I live for him

Without God ...
you don't know what you are living for.
Of course you try hard to give meaning to your life,
but deep down you realize that your existence
doesn't really seem to matter.

With God ...
you know that your life has a destiny.
Because He gives you one.
God has a plan for you
and if you want to know what it is,
just surrender your all to Him.

Lay it all down, all your own ideas and concepts
about how life should be.
He knows better and if you let Him,
He'll guide you into His perfect plan of love
and fruithfulness for your life.

The more you love Him,
obey Him and surrender to Him,
the more He will be able to flow through you
to bring His healing and His hope
to people around you.

CHRISTIAN ART for you © 2004 Inspirational christian art posters copyright David and Renate Sorensen.No unauthorized usage of any of these images allowed.(Please include this line to forward).

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