
"As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands."(Psalm 119:143 NLT)

Comedienne Lilly Tomlin once said, "The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." Interestingly, the concept of stress was introduced in the 1930s when a young scientist named Hans Selye was observing his lab rats. As he worked in his laboratory, he was constantly dropping the little creatures, chasing them around the room, and trapping them in the corner. He discovered that his rats kept getting ulcers and hormone imbalances. Borrowing a term from engineering, Dr. Selye coined the idea of stress to describe how the pressures of daily life the rat race can make us sick.

The best way of combating stress is to take the nearest exit, find a quiet spot, open the Bible, and enjoy fellowship with God in His Word. Make room for a silent night, a holy night when all is calm and all is bright. Stay close to Christ, and let Him bring you peace here on earth.

TURNING POINT MINISTRY by Dr. David Jeremiah © 2006 All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward).

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