Trust in The Lord

Where doubt lives, faith cannot; where hate rules, love is crowded out; when worry is present, trust is gone.

The best way for us not to worry, is to commit all to God, which means turning all over to him and trusting Him completely, with both the large and small things in our lives.

There are things we never doubt or worry about. We trust the daylight will come and the night will not last forever; the seasons will change. We are certain of these things, because they have always been this way.

We can have that same confidence in our God, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, (Hebrews13: 8) and that He will always love, protect and provide for us.
He has never gone back on a single promise and He never changes. We can place our trust in Him completely. We can experience fullness of joy, because we know we are never alone. Although we do not see him with our eyes, we can feel his presence in our lives. He holds the world in His hand and He remains always in control. Great is His faithfulness!
I commit my day to You Lord. I place my trust in Your provision, for every aspect of my life. No matter what the day holds or how things may appear, I am certain I can depend on Your love and faithfulness. Direct my steps. Allow faith in You to rule in my heart and life today. As sure as I know the sun will rise tomorrow, I know You are always with me and I am never alone. Let my life reflect the joy You have given me within, in Jesus name, Amen.
GODTODAY DEVOTIONS by Cheryl Curtis © 1999-2003 All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward).

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