Limited by Our Senses

The reason many of us aren't growing Spiritually is because our faith doesn't reach beyond our sight. Real faith begins where our senses end. When we can see something, we usually don't feel the need to trust God for it. And since we can't see very far, living by sight keeps us living small.

Think of the African impala, a marvellous animal that can soar 3 metres high and 10 metres out with just one jump. But did you know that you can put that impala in a 1 metre cage with no roof and it will not attempt to escape, even though it has more than enough power to clear the cage. That's because the impala won't jump if it cannot see where its feet are going to land. The impala lives by sight, so it's easy to keep it caged. The same goes for you!

But let's add an all-important truth here. Some children believe in the Tooth Fairy. The problem with that is, their faith is ineffective because the object of their faith isn't real. Scriptural faith says, "God, I know that whenever You speak You're telling the truth, and that I can stake my life on it."

Faith establishes what we believe about God. Too many of us act like we've more confidence in ourselves than we do in Him. If faith is the action by which we lay hold of the power and promises of God, then if our faith is lacking we won't see the supernatural work of God in our lives - and we'll live in the natural with all its limitations.

THE VINE by Bob Gass © 2000 - 2007. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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