Turbulent Waters

Sometimes it seems our lives are lived in the midst of turbulent waters. We are pounded by forces outside our control. The noise of life becomes deafening and life threatens to erode away our very bedrock. We cry out wondering where God is in the midst of it all. Has He forgotten us? Will our very foundation be washed out from under us?

He has not forsaken us. Often times we need to feel like we are drowning before we cry out to God. He does allow some erosion of our foundations but only those parts that are not based on Him. He holds the river in its banks. The Apostle Peter experienced the turbulent waters firsthand.

The miracle is not Jesus walking on water, after all He is God. The miracle is not even Peter walking on the water, after all He was following Christ in faith and miracles happen when do that. To me the most marvelous miracle of all is that Peter did not sink like a rock when He took His eyes off of Christ. It is true that he began to sink, but when you think about it, people do not begin to sink when they try to walk on water ... they sink and too quickly to do anything about it.

When He fixed His eyes on Jesus again Jesus reached out and caught Him. Despite all that was happening, Peter was in no danger of drowning. The turbulent waters of the storm would not overwhelm Him. They simply focused Him back on the one who would deliver Him. A foundation of doubt was undermined by the storm and replaced by faith.

When you face turbulent waters
 look to Jesus and walk on in faith.
GLEANINGS FROM THE WORD MINISTRIES by Kevin F. Corbin © 2001 - 2007. All rights reserved. For prayer request please email us at prayer@gleaningsfromtheword.com (Please include this line to forward the message).

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