Day after day He carries our burdens

The trip to the office that day was extremely hard. The thin fog along the road decorating the green trees that used to make a lovely view doesn't capture the imagination any more. Starting the day really was difficult, considering the unsettling news of last night. My father who had been suffering from hypertension had suddenly felt dizzy and then collapsed; perhaps his blood pressure wasn't normal. All kinds of feelings stirred inside my heart, "Don't take my father yet, Lord!" I whispered. This heavy feeling suddenly changed and my heart was filled with heavenly joy when I read the Scripture before me, "Praise the Lord, who carries our burdens day after day; He is the God who saves us" (Psalms 68:19). With this Scripture in mind, I resumed the day with a light heart. God carried my burden that day, and changed it to joy.
Every new day is a gift from the Father. It starts when we open our eyes in the morning, then through our activities in the day until we close our eyes again to rest at night. There are many things that we will be doing during the day; there are routine tasks, targets to be achieved, stacks of work in the office to be tackled, meetings, vacations, prayer meetings, and a whole lot of other activities that will sap our energy and mental power. All of which seem too difficult, particularly when the day is highlighted with problems surrounding our lives that need our attention.
But did you know that every day God carries our burdens for us? Did you realize that no matter how heavy the burden, it wouldn't make a difference in the mighty hands of the Lord who carries it for us? Often, when we go through tough times, we feel we are carrying the heavy load alone, when in fact the Lord is carrying it for us in His most amazing way. Everything that happens in the lives of God's children is not a coincidence. There are many ways for God to prove to us that day after day He is the one who is actually carrying all our burdens for us.
If every day God carries our burdens for us, this means we don't need to concern ourselves with what might happen, what we might face during the day. Because whatever form it takes, God will carry the burden for us, we only need to let Him take over all of our days. You'll see that your days will be more wonderful.
GOTN MINISTRY by John Hartman © 2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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