Don't withhold your generosity

My new friend made me feel ashamed before the Lord because of his act of love. The story began when the snacks we ordered, special kind of snacks, were delivered to us. Not all of us in the room had ordered these snacks, there were some who didn't, and not all of those who had ordered were willing to share their snacks with those who didn't. Only one person showed love and generosity by sharing what he had. Regrettably, that person wasn't me.
It wasn't easy for me to just forget about the incident. It may be normal to most of us, but God had promptly reprimanded me. I could and yet I wouldn't share. I had withheld my generosity.
To share with those who are in need is not easy. Simple math would prove that if we divide, we would have less. This means sharing is a sacrifice that demands sincerity. It's not a sacrifice when reward is expected in return. Many Christians are willing to share, willing to sacrifice in return for a reward, at least from God. It's true that God has many promises for those who are willing to share, e.g. "Give, and it will be given to you" (Luke 6:38).
Nevertheless, from the many testimonies I have heard, none mentioned that blessings are poured out because of "sharing or giving in return for reward." The simple conclusion is that the Lord indeed wants us to share, to know how to give, a sacrifice made willingly and with sincerity without expecting a reward. Our blessing or "reward" lies in God's hand. But one thing is certain, giving willingly with a sincere heart will never escape God's attention. So, from this day on, don't hold back your generosity.
GOTN MINISTRY by John Hartman © 2006. All rights reserved. (Please include this line to forward the message).

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